17:40 - 18:40, Saturday August 31
The theatre group puts on a spectacular show with synchronised dance, new acrobatics, investigative journalism, and, most importantly, spy action-thriller comedy. The performers focus on telling stories and create atmosphere with light and music. They address topics with showmanship, song, music, warmth, and a lot of humour.
On the last day of the Dance and Theatre Festival, spies will sneak around and gather people's opinions about the festival, which will then be turned into a performance.
Anyone can join this performance and take the stage to reveal all the festival's secrets.
If you want to join, learn more, or have juicy tips, email bataljonendropin@gmail.com
This event is a part of the Dance & Theater festival.
Director & choreography: Saga Björklund Jönsson & Hanna Morau
Bältespännarparken, 411 36 Göteborg