City walk of the streets of the emigrants (FULLY BOOKED)

A city walk in Västra Nordstaden, in the wake of the great emigration.

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Tyska Christinae Kyrkan

14:00 - 15:00, Thursday August 29

Tyska Christinae Kyrkan

14:00 - 15:00, Friday August 30

100% free!

A black and white image with a large crowd and a large boat. The crowd is standing right by the water and are looking at the boat.


A city walk in Västra Nordstaden, in the wake of the great emigration. We tell about the fates of some different emigrants. Who were they? Why did they leave? What happened there in America? Did they return home to Sweden? We have selected some good life stories that show different types of emigrants and different ways of tackling life in the new country.

Start: behind the German church, Köpmansgatan 5.
Target: Packhusplatsen.




Tyska Christinae Kyrkan

Tyska Christinae Kyrkan
Norra Hamngatan 16, 411 14 Göteborg
Map and directions (Google maps)