– It’s important for us at the Gothenburg Culture Festival to expand our offerings and embrace new ideas. Together with Jasmine Darban and the Book Fair, we have steered the festival in an exciting new direction where the digital world finds a physical presence, hopefully creating many engaging reading experiences and interactions,” says Jane Johnzon, Concept Developer at Gothenburg Culture Festival, part of Gothenburg & Co.

In two program segments on the topic, Jasmine Darban, known for Sweden’s largest Booktok account, will participate along with Amanda Lodding, an editor at the Book Fair. They will kick off Sunday with a panel discussion alongside Flora Wiström, author and one of Sweden’s prominent bloggers, exploring the sense of community in reading on social media. What is the relationship between books and social media? Often, social media is portrayed as a major obstacle in encouraging young people to read. But does this hold true in all cases?

Following the panel discussion, there will be a Booktok picnic with Jasmine Darban at Trädgårdsföringen throughout the afternoon. All book enthusiasts are encouraged to bring their picnic baskets with blankets and books, come with friends, book club members, or even alone, and join in as the world’s largest book club (Booktok) meets in real life. Together with Jasmine Darban and Amanda Lodding, they will discuss some of the most well-known Booktok books.

– I know that many on Booktok have been eager for the opportunity to meet in real life. Booktok is an amazing community, but it can also feel isolating. That’s why I’m delighted to collaborate with the Gothenburg Culture Festival and the Book Fair to plan this cozy day together,” says Jasmine Darban.

The books highlighted during the picnic are:

“It Starts With Us/It Ends With Us” – Colleen Hoover

“A Court of Thorns and Roses” – Sarah J. Maas
“Shatter Me” – Tahereh Mafi
“The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” – Taylor Jenkins Reid

The Gothenburg City Library’s youth section will be present with their book bike, offering book recommendations and giving away books to youth aged 13-25. In collaboration with the Book Fair, goodie bags will be distributed to the first 100 visitors.

– Booktok has become a gateway into books for a new generation! When we witness such a strong force driving reading – it’s a force we want to amplify. We are excited to do this in partnership with the Culture Festival, inviting everyone to a day that shines a light on and spreads the sense of community around books and reading,” says Maria Rogstad Norberg, Communications Manager at Bokmässan.

The Book Fair will take place at Svenska Mässan from September 28 to October 1. This year’s themes are Jewish culture, the city, and sound.

Since November 8, 2021, Gothenburg has been designated a UNESCO City of Literature. This designation grants Gothenburg access to a network of 41 other literary cities worldwide, promoting literature, reading, and freedom of expression through residencies, theme days, projects, and exchanges.