Kulturkalaset 2024 aims to be certified as a Sustainable Event

Göteborgs Kulturkalaset wants to be more than just a festival; we aim to contribute to and inspire positive development in our city and the planet we live on. For us, sustainability means actively working with all three dimensions of sustainability: ecological, social, and economic.

This year, we are taking significant steps to make our event even more sustainable by striving for the “Sustainable Event” certification through the company Greentime.

Local, thrilling, and sustainable 

The Gothenburg Culture Festival works actively with emission reduction and to inspire our collaborators to make sustainable choices. Every collaborator that is part of the Culture festival must meet our minimum level of demands for ecological sustainability, for example regarding food, disposable products and waste management.

Diverse, gender equal and accessible to all

The festival’s program must have a broad representation and reflect society. We will create meeting places where people can meet and discover new parts of the city. No one shall be excluded because of gender, ethnicity, functionality, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender identity expression, religion or age.

From linear to circular

The ambition for this year’s Gothenburg Culture Festival is to become more circular. This includes, reused textiles, ban on plastic, and reusing or renting instead of buying.

Our focus forward is to work more with circularity. With that long term aspiration, we can approach the goals regarding sustainable growth and climate neutral events set by the City of Gothenburg. That way Gothenburg Culture Festival can take on leadership in sustainable events.

Sustainability policy

We aim to push the borders in terms of how sustainable an event can be. In our sustainability policy you can find out more about our work.